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That’s not a bobcat in a pine tree at the Grand Canyon; it’s just Archie, and he needs help. Call in the park rangers. The National Park Service at the South Rim of the Grand
A large crowd of people banded together to lift a car off to free a man trapped underneath after a collision. They attempted to pull the man out and he was eventually rescued safely.
When summer arrives, an entire world of opportunities pops up. There are festivals and concerts to attend, camping and hiking to do, and vacationing to be had. Not only are summers for exploring and
A Florida sheriff's office has brought on a new member of the K9 unit to help sniff out and detect vapes in schools. Lake County Sheriff's Office announced Monday that a 1½-year-old
GSK plc GSK announced that the European Medicines Agency (“EMA”) has accepted its application seeking approval for the expanded use of its cancer drug Jemperli (dostarlimab). The application is
An exceptionally vibrant city, Indianapolis, Indiana, is the epicenter of business opportunities, entertainment, fun and lip-smacking food. The city has dazzling art treasures, rich history, and the
On Sunday, Sheriff’s Deputy Haley Drew responded to a call about eight puppies locked in a carrier and abandoned in a field in southwest Tarrant County as the temperature reached nearly 100 degrees.
Originally appeared on E! Online The brands featured in this article are partners of NBCUniversal Checkout. E! makes a commission on your purchase. Prices are accurate as
A bright green fireball zipping across the night sky at 58,000 mph was seen in four states before it disappeared above a city park in Texas, NASA officials say. The meteor was first spotted 54 miles
Professional wrestling features a diverse array of moves that are designed to entertain audiences and tell a story in the ring.
There is an asteroid with a 72% chance of hitting Earth on July 12, 2038 – that’s the scenario Nasa just tested to see how well humanity would cope with a massive space rock slamming into us.And the
Most chippies advertise a 'catch of the day'. So imagine the delight of this British angler, who caught a cod so large it could do fish and chips for 180 people.Daniel Pipe, 39, was on a fishing trip
The Shore isn't the only place for summer fun in New Jersey (especially if it rains!). Below are a dozen things to do right here in North Jersey. There's never a shortage of
CINCINNATI (WKRC) - A local animal rescue farm fears that two horses are in serious danger of dying after they say the owners neglected to provide proper care for them.Levi Turner owns Homeward Bound
A police officer from South Jersey is credited with saving the life of a resident during a recent fire.The fire broke out at about 4 p.m. on June 16 on
1.A satin sleep mask because self-care called and it wants you to sleep like a baby. Catch some ZZZs while looking luxurious.2.A woven rope hamper to instantly elevate your dirty laundry. It's time
Now that the U.S. Olympic Swim Trials in Indianapolis are over, Team USA is preparing to head to Paris.But you might not know about one of their furriest teammates.His name is Izzo, and USA Swimming
A fundraising hike has so far raised £540,000 for a cancer charity.More than 1,176 walkers took part in Macmillan’s Lake District Mighty Hike over the weekend of 15-16 June, taking on either a full
A giant tipping potato bucket called Tippin’ Tater that contains 750 gallons of water. A grumpy ram lifeguard keeping an eye on everyone. Two baby bears sliding down a log. Blue birds on a diving

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