A new dinosaur species has been revealed that had a bizarre protruding "eyebrow." The beast was uncovered by paleontologists in southwestern Kyrgyzstan, who found two specimens of the theropod ...
Did all dinosaurs become extinct, killed when an asteroid hit the Earth 66 million years ago? Or could a few of them, somehow, have survived that mass extinction event – with their descendants living ...
The study gives new insight into how Komodo dragons keep their teeth razor-sharp and may provide clues to how dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus rex killed ... Scientists Assess How Large Dinosaurs ...
A 10-year-old found 220-million-year-old dinosaur tracks in Wales while fossil hunting. Tegan Jones and her mother found the tracks, which hadn't been seen in over 140 years. An expert thinks a ...
A gigantic dinosaur twice the size of a city bus will soon be on display for the public to see – its one-of-a-kind green bones and all. The team of paleontologists who discovered, recovered and ...
Do dinosaurs still exist in some parts of the world today? – Ruben M., age 5 Did all dinosaurs become extinct, killed when an ...
German scientists think they've cracked the case on the origins of the giant asteroid that all but wiped out the dinosaurs 66 million years ago. Now, a team of geoscientists from the University of ...
A study adds strong evidence to the hypothesis that the deadly rock came from a family of objects that originally formed well beyond the orbit of the planet Jupiter. A study adds strong evidence ...
Around 66 million years ago, an asteroid slammed into the Yucatan Peninsula and triggered the mass extinction event that killed the dinosaurs. Now, researchers have determined that the space rock ...
The aftereffects of the collision resulted in the extinction of an estimated 75% of animal species, including most dinosaurs except for birds. But practically nothing of the asteroid itself remains.
The asteroid responsible for our last mass extinction 66 million years ago — wiping out the dinosaurs — originated from the far reaches of our solar system, unlike most asteroids that have ...
The asteroid was 20 times larger than the one that collided with what’s now the Yucatán Peninsula in Chicxulub, Mexico, and led to the downfall of dinosaurs on Earth 66 million years ago.