of Romania -- but never with greater success than in the case of the two Communist rebel leaders Marshal Tito and Enver Hoxha (pronounced Hodja). Tito ruled Yugoslavia for almost forty years.
The base epitomised the paranoia rampant during the four-decade rule of Albania's Stalinist strongman Enver Hoxha after World War II. "The island was dotted with 2,840 bunkers with heavy machine ...
Albania is the most wretched country in Europe. Hardly anybody wants in, and most of its people, given half a chance, would like to get out. Still, to earn desperately needed hard currency, ...
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Ostalgie: The Berlin Wall - Legacy of Hoxha The world is changing, but Albania is not. The covenants of Enver Hoxha are honored with all responsibility ...
Under the 40-year Marxist dictatorship of Enver Hoxha, totalitarianism destroyed the fabric of Albanian society and tradition, and yet this was not a bad time for birds. Hoxha reserved the ...
During his forty-year reign, the Albanian leader Enver Hoxha banned religion, forbade travel and outlawed private property. Any resistance to his rule was met with severe retribution, including ...
It all began for Pirro – as he is known in his homeland – in 1985 when he was asked to make a medal in red and gold bearing the head of Enver Hoxha, the paranoid dictator who ruled the small ...
Despite these important achievements, a great deal remains to be done to overcome the brutal legacy of communist dictator Enver Hoxha. The complete absence under communism of independent courts ...
Look how it turned out It all began for Pirro as he is known in his homeland in 1985 when he was asked to make a medal in red and gold bearing the head of Enver Hoxha the paranoid dictator who ...
Author Patricia Schultz sailing past the walls of Dubrovnik. Having suffocated in the iron grip of the dictator Enver Hoxha from 1944 to 1985, it has made a quantum leap since 1992 when elections ...
A generation after the fall of its Communist dictatorship, Albania is starting to uncover evidence of thousands of people executed by the former regime. More than 30 years after his death, the ...