A recent court ruling confirmed ex-premier Sali Berisha as leader of the opposition party. But with Berisha under ...
North Macedonia’s new government’s claims it can redraw the unpopular agreement with Bulgaria without imperiling its EU ...
Defying the high temperatures, more than 5,000 people took part in a 100-kilometre Peace March to Srebrenica to mark 29th ...
Five ministries and 20 academic institutions and state companies signed a memorandum of understanding on nuclear energy ...
Following a tip-off about his looming arrest, the deputy director of Bosnia’s State Investigation and Protection Agency has ...
Kosovo Police told BIRN they are unable to arrest Marko Rosic, who was sentenced to 10 years' prison and a 10,000-euros fine ...
Ahead of the annual Srebrenica genocide commemoration, two cousins recall school days spent in the besieged Bosniak town ...
Over the past year, the Bosnian state court has not issued any verdicts for the July 1995 Srebrenica genocide and the ...
Activists seek law changes strengthening abortion rights and curbing the rights of 'kneelers' – ultra-conservative men who ...
As Moldova’s membership talks with the EU move into a higher gear, a looming question is whether to include the ...
Moscow prefers to ignore occasional backsliding by its ‘Serbian friends’ as it sees the relationship with Belgrade as crucial ...
Too often, environmental impact studies in Croatia are treated as merely a ‘pro forma’ exercise in order to obtain the ...