The United Nations describes money laundering as the conversion or transfer of property, knowing it is derived from a criminal offence, for the purpose of concealing or disguising its illicit origin ...
Two and a half years after Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, EU military aid under the European Peace Facility (EPF) is still falling behind, with fresh money needed despite the ...
On 24 January 2024, the European Commission published a package of five initiatives to enhance the EU's economic security, in line with the EU's economic security strategy (built around the three ...
Since its peaceful revolution in 1990, Mongolia has transitioned from a one-party communist regime, which was not part of but had close cultural, political and economic ties with the former Soviet ...
The annual budget funds the EU's policies and programmes in line with the Union's political priorities and legal obligations. It lays down all of the EU and European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) ...
For decades, the EU has been devoting increased attention to the environment in its CAP. While the CAP objectives enshrined in the Treaties since the 1950s do not include the environment (and instead ...
According to IMF data, in 2023 the EU-27 collectively was Mongolia’s fourth biggest trading partner, accounting for 4.6 % of the country’s total trade. China (63.4 %), Russia (13.0 %) and Switzerland ...
The 2019 FDI screening regulation was a first step towards establishing an EU cooperation framework for FDI screening between the Commission, which hitherto had no formal role in this policy area, and ...