Shortly before midnight, the president of the National Electoral Council (CNE), Elvis Amoroso, announced the re-election of ...
The Israeli-Hamas “war” has dramatically changed the trajectory geopolitical affairs in the Middle East, with talk of a ...
Roman poet Juvenal coined the phrase “bread and circuses” nearly 2,000 years ago for the extravagant entertainment the Roman ...
Teamster General President Sean O’Brien’s speech before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee was a public relation ...
Most Israelis perceive their national life as a zero sum game. This may well be a lasting heritage of the Holocaust.
Inequality, note Wilkinson and Pickett, heightens hierarchy and reinforces the notion that some people — rich people — have ...
People involved in conflict resolution often say that every war must end. Most wars do end in some fashion, but plenty of ...
Why are many amongst us still tiptoeing around language when it comes to the horrific Israeli genocide in Gaza? Layers of ...
Rwanda has become a curiosity as an African state.  The mere mention of its name tugs the memory: colonial tragedy, ethnic ...
When President Joseph R. Biden finally removed himself from the race for a second presidential term on July 21, there ...
Economists go on endless diatribes against tariffs and quotas as costly policies that raise prices to consumers and slow ...
There is a growing division in the U.S. between what seem to be almost irreconcilable opposites.  It is hard to see how that ...