Studies show that being overweight or obese can contribute to a higher risk of hypertension (high blood pressure). Here’s ...
Certain foods may encourage and improve sleep. This article explores foods and nutrients that may help you sleep.
Vitamin D is particularly important for women, supporting bone health and pregnancy. Learn about vitamin D, its benefits, how ...
Stretching exercises are great for warming up before a workout and can help with pain management. Here’s how to get the most ...
Outpatient weight loss procedures, such as an endoscopic balloon, are not as invasive as gastric bypass surgery. Find out what insurance may cover.
When puberty starts and how fast it occurs varies from person to person. This article explores reasons for early and delayed ...
Some medications can cause side effects when a person takes them and is exposed to extreme heat. Experts said it's important ...
Bone cancer is a rare type of cancer, which can go undetected for some time before being diagnosed. Although benign ...
Greens powders provide vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and more that may be missing from your diet. We tested dozens of ...
Hernia repair is a common surgery worldwide. Different types of hernias don’t heal on their own. Find a surgery timeline here for progressive symptoms.
The link between obesity and depression isn’t linear and remains controversial. Learn about weight loss and gain with ...
Obesity is a chronic disease that often requires medication management and lifestyle medication. See whether weight loss ...