The gripping story of 1960s/early 70s musical supernova Sylvester Stewart, better known as Sly Stone, will unfold in the upcoming musical doc Sly Lives! (aka The Burden of Black Genius). The first, heady trailer for the eagerly anticipated film directed by Roots drummer Questlove dropped on Thursday night (Jan.
The latest line of U.S. carriers is named for Gerald R. Ford, and another of the multi-billion-dollar ships bears John F. Kennedy's name.
Two nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, to be constructed "in the years ahead," will carry the names of former President Bill Clinton and former President George W. Bush, the White House announced Monday.
The Navy vessels will be the first to bear the names of former presidents William J. Clinton and George W. Bush.
George Clinton, The Doobie Brothers' Tom Johnston, Michael McDonald and Patrick Simmons and The Beach Boys' Mike Love are among this year's inductees.
George Clinton, Mike Love, and members of the Doobie Brothers are among the 2025 Songwriters Hall of Fame inductees.
The Songwriters Hall Of Fame has announced their class of 2025. This year’s performing inductees are Parliament-Funkadelic ringleader George Clinton, the Beach Boys’ Mike Love, and the Doobie Brothers’ Tom Johnston,
The Songwriters Hall of Fame's class of 2025 inductees includes P-Funk founder George Clinton, Doobie Brothers, country hitmaker Ashley Gorley, more.
George Clinton and Rodney “Darkchild” Jenkins have been selected for induction into the Songwriters Hall of Fame, which celebrates accomplished artists, producers, and writers for their musical contributions.
Songwriters Hall of Fame inductees have been revealed, and this year’s group is entirely male. Honorees include The Doobie Brothers, George Clinton, Mike Love of The Beach Boys, Ashley Gorley, and Rodney “Darkchild” Jerkins.
A congressman is pushing for a law change that would allow President Trump to run for a third term — but would prevent other living presidents from returning to the White House.