What does the establishment of the 'Independent State of the Bektashi Order' attempted by the Albanian PM mean for Greece & ...
The Tirana compound, which originally covered nearly 90 acres, has shrunk by two-thirds since Albania’s former communist ...
The territory of the proposed new Islamist state is a compound in a low-rent residential district of eastern Tirana. It is ...
He said he came up with the idea of making a pin with an engraved portrait of Enver Hoxha, the country’s Communist dictator, in time for a 1986 political congress. To ensure its quality ...
Mallakastra, for example, a district of Fier Country in southwestern Albania, was a thriving agricultural and industrial centre under the Stalinist regime of Enver Hoxha. While many Albanians ...
The most popular is ‘BunkArt’, a coveted bunker built in the outskirts of the town in the 70s by the former dictator Enver Hoxha. There, you can learn more about the Communist history of Albania.
The Pyramid of Tirana, originally built as a museum dedicated to the communist dictator Enver Hoxha, has been transformed into a new kind of cultural hub. Reusing the concrete structure ...
Duke nisur nga fillim-viti 1950, kohë kur Sekretariati i Komitetit Qendror të PPSh-së dhe personalisht vetë Enver Hoxha mori plotësisht në dorë Institutin e Shkencave, lidhja formale e organeve të ...
The author shows how the Communist partisans under Enver Hoxha put Marxist-Leninist ideology and the internecine struggle for ...
Enver Hoxha, në referatin e tij ‘Mbi situatën e brendshme dhe të jashtme’, theksonte se; “reaksioni jonë (opozita kundër PKSH-së) nuk i kishte rrënjët në ujë”. Sipas tij, situata ndërkombëtare kishte ...
pasi sipas tij fitorja e Ramës do të jetë më e kollajshme se fitorja e ish diktatorit Enver Hoxha në 1945. Dhe kjo sipas tij, pasi PD dhe opozita është konsumuar në luftën ndaj ndërkombëtarëve dhe ...
Among these: Mao Zedong, Kim Il-sung, Enver Hoxha, Maurice Thorez and Palmiro Togliatti. “We didn’t like Maurice Thorez,” she added. “He was too aristocratic, he slept in the hotel and came to work ...