Mark Sheppard was a well-known face to fans of American TV due to his roles in Battlestar Galactica and Supernatural, but ...
Mistakes are an unavoidable part of any movie - filmmaking is really, really hard, and it's simply impossible for a film ...
A nasty, unfair time limit can leave players bashing their heads against the wall in despair, questioning who hurt the person ...
The reveal at the end of the first Saw, Sergeant Howie's fate in The Wicker Man, the truth about Teddy in Shutter Island; ...
Whilst not one of Nintendo’s A-tier (nor, even, B-tier), nevertheless Fox McCloud and company have been long-term mainstays ...
Many lament the perceived lack of originality in Hollywood, and though that's usually in reference to endless sequels, ...
Each year, we celebrate one particular date in the Star Trek calendar that we'd all like to get to, unless the aliens are ...
Even typically low-stakes romance, comedy and children's movies normally have a baddie to pin all the protagonist's ...
Let's put it this way - in NXT, you won't see six women sent out in the death slot for a meaningless tag match. NXT excels at ...
Mike Flanagan's fantasy horror Before I Wake centres around an orphan, Cody, who can manifest his dreams into reality. When ...
As film fans, who among us doesn't love immersing ourselves in the rumour mill and seeing what tasty scuttlebutt is doing the rounds about the biggest upcoming movies? It's great fun to scour ...
Star Trek has often delivered episodes with such grandeur that we the audience need a few minutes to come down once the credits roll. These offerings can be single episodes, two-parters, or even ...