Identifies five trends that will shape marketing strategies of the alcoholic drinks sector in the coming year.
Retail media is helping to end the artificial separation of brand and performance advertising, according to an IAB analyst, but major brands have their doubts about the efficacy of this channel as ...
In this edition of Spotlight APAC, WARC APAC Managing Editor Rica Facundo looks at key trends that will influence how affluents in APAC view luxury, signal status and engage with luxury brands.
The adoption of attention into media planning, buying, measurement and optimization has been meaningful, but slow, due to issues such as a lack of standardization and the poorly understood link ...
Why is this work relevant for Creative Effectiveness? This work is relevant for creative effectiveness because it shows that purpose can drive brand growth and grow sales at a time when purpose ...
An overview of WARC's latest advertising spend forecasts by medium, product sector and media owner in 100 markets worldwide. WARC’s latest global projections show that the ad industry is on track for ...
This report spells out the media landscape marketers face, and the clear benefits that a well-thought out Earned Media strategy can offer brands.
Suggestive branding was introduced in the early 1900s (Viehoever, 1920) and became popularised following the seminal work of Keller et al. (1998). Suggestive brand names involve deliberately embedding ...
The market research industry is quick to embrace new technologies, whether that be advances in data mining, social media analytics, or the emergence of online ethnography, to name but a few. According ...
Spending on sales promotions—including in-store promotions and incentives, coupons, discounting and loyalty card promotions—has reached a 23-year high, according to an industry survey (IPA, 2023). The ...
Machine learning algorithms are increasingly attracting attention from management and marketing researchers (e.g., Choudhury et al., 2021) and studies employing them are increasingly appearing in IJMR ...
Numerous academic studies show that unplanned and impulse purchases represent a significant part of consumer spending: up to half of all sales fall in this domain (Xiao & Nicholson, 2011). However, ...