On Tuesday, 17th September, an object that could be up to half a kilometre in diameter will pass Earth, a short distance away ...
Two principal theories prevail for where all the water went: it either retreated into the ground or sublimed away into space.
Hubble Space TelescopeHomeNASA's Hubble, MAVEN… Missions Hubble HomeOverviewAbout HubbleThe History of HubbleHubble TimelineWhy Have a Telescope in ...
What happened to all the liquid water on Mars and what can this teach us about Earth-like exoplanets? This is what a recent study published in Science Adva | Space ...
New Findings Challenge Classical Views Held by Scientists What happened to the water that once covered Mars? Scientists know ...
Mars was once a very wet planet as is evident in its surface geological features. Scientists know that over the last 3 ...