What does the establishment of the 'Independent State of the Bektashi Order' attempted by the Albanian PM mean for Greece & ...
The territory of the proposed new Islamist state is a compound in a low-rent residential district of eastern Tirana. It is ...
The Tirana compound, which originally covered nearly 90 acres, has shrunk by two-thirds since Albania’s former communist ...
pasi sipas tij fitorja e Ramës do të jetë më e kollajshme se fitorja e ish diktatorit Enver Hoxha në 1945. Dhe kjo sipas tij, pasi PD dhe opozita është konsumuar në luftën ndaj ndërkombëtarëve dhe ...
As a result, much of the work done by Zog was undermined. Following the German evacuation of Albania in November 1944 a fledgling communist movement under the leadership of Enver Hoxha came to power.
Enver Hoxha, në referatin e tij ‘Mbi situatën e brendshme dhe të jashtme’, theksonte se; “reaksioni jonë (opozita kundër PKSH-së) nuk i kishte rrënjët në ujë”. Sipas tij, situata ndërkombëtare kishte ...
Mallakastra, for example, a district of Fier Country in southwestern Albania, was a thriving agricultural and industrial centre under the Stalinist regime of Enver Hoxha. While many Albanians ...
A kemi një tjetër ndarje në showbiz-in shqiptar? Epo diçka të sigurt nuk e kemi, por nga fjalët që po qarkullojnë lart e poshtë, po thuhet se martesa shumëvjeçare e Enada Hoxhës dhe Gerd Vasos ka ...
Leon’s article is self-contradictory, because it points out one the one hand how robust debate is in our young but stable democracy and on the other raises the specter of Enver Hoxha’s totalitarian ...
A breakthrough Group 1 win could be the stepping stone to another top level triumph for Enver Jusufovic and stable star Pinstriped in the Makybe Diva Stakes at Flemington. “I’m still enjoying ...