Read's attorneys have since filed a motion to dismiss the case. Damning testimony during Read's trial led to the suspension ...
If there is one thing that has become clear after the Karen Read trial, it is that the Massachusetts State Police needs massive reform.
The order represents yet another blow to an embattled agency that’s still on damage control over the investigation of the ...
Prosecutors in Massachusetts say they plan to retry Karen Read for the death of her Boston police officer boyfriend. She's ...
Detective Kevin Albert is on leave after his connection to a murder case was revealed through Trooper Proctor's testimony.
A slew of Worcester County drug cases will be retried after a judge ruled that “egregious” conduct in the form of secret ...
Canton police officer Kevin Albert -- whose brother, Brian, owned the house at the center of the Karen Read case -- has been suspended with pay for his actions in a case he worked two years ago with ...
Canton Police Det. Kevin Albert was placed on leave in light of testimony from Massachusetts State Police Trooper Michael Proctor.
Kevin Albert, the Canton police officer revealed to be communicating with lead Massachusetts State Police investigator ...
A law enforcement expert who spend more than two decades as a Massachusetts State Police expert weighed in on Trooper Michael ...
At Read's trial, embattled State Trooper Michael Proctor testified about text messages he and Albert exchanged in July 2022.