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It is a familiar story in health care and many other settings: the performance of an innovative process deteriorates over time. Instead of automatically discarding it, organizations should understand ...
Struggling to delegate? Especially as a first-time leader, it can be difficult to let go of control and trust your team to execute tasks on your behalf. These strategies can help. Change your mindset.
As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly ubiquitous in business and governance, its substantial environmental ...
Hybrid work has changed meetings. Despite many companies’ recent return-to-office efforts, teams are relying on virtual meetings more than ever, and participation is down. As a manager, how can you ...
The leadership questions surrounding new Washington Post CEO Will Lewis serve as a case study in the challenges of bringing ...
AI offers many ways to enhance a company’s overall internal capabilities and skills. AI can be used to infer skills from ...
Family is one of the most important things in most people’s lives, across cultures and geographies. Yet, the idea that family ...
When hiring for a role, it’s not only critical to identify candidates with the right skills, but also those who will thrive in and contribute to your organization long-term. Two approaches to ...
If you’re leading your team through big changes, this episode is for you. In early 2015, Microsoft’s senior leaders were facing a set of difficult decisions. The firm had been struggling to ...