Explore how electric eels generate electricity to hunt and survive, and the science behind their shocking power.
While plant stem cells have not received the same spotlight, they hold immense potential for advancing agriculture and food ...
Rapa Nui, also known as Easter Island or Te Pito o Te Henua (the navel of the world), is one of the most remote inhabited ...
A study shows that vegan diets improve dog health and reduce illness rates. They also lower environmental impact.
With rising temperatures under climate change, it’s plausible that people would require less heating during winter months.
The results of his study suggest that an object as small as 0.6 meters across could potentially nudge the asteroid onto a ...
Scientists have recently discovered an important control circuit involved in swallowing food, leading to the release of ...
Laughter therapy for dry eye disease worked in reducing discomfort. It improved tear stability, gland function, and mental ...
On World Ozone Day, we celebrate global efforts to protect and restore the ozone layer, a vital shield that protects life on ...
NASA's Voyager 1 faces age-related thruster issues due to clogging. Engineers switch to backup thrusters to keep Voyager operational.
Astronomers capture images of star R Doradus, revealing giant gas bubbles and offering insights into stellar convection.
Webb Telescope captured stunning images of the Extreme Outer Galaxy. The findings show young star clusters, protostars, and ...