A new study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine, Inhalation of hydrogen-rich gas before acute exercise alleviates exercise fatigue, has found a possible novel intervention for ...
A Nature Medicine study examined public perceptions of AI-based digital medical advice, revealing that advice from human ...
Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, published by Elsevier, suggest that using a specialized diffusion weighted MRI scan ...
A study in JAMA explores the potential of plasma biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease and cardiometabolic risk factors to ...
MS Australia has announced new research funding to address disease progression, social needs, and biological signs of MS ...
The results of routine blood tests could be used to speed up cancer diagnosis among people with stomach pain or bloating, ...
Moms execute more household tasks. But they’re also family executives, doing more of the thinking ahead and assigning that are part of all those chores – bad news for their mental health.
Despite the high prevalence of addiction and substance use disorders in the United States, the number of physicians adopting evidence-based substance use disorder interventions in their clinical ...
A dual-chamber wireless pacemaker provides reliable performance over three months, bolstering evidence for this new pacemaker ...
Many studies have focused on falls among people who are ambulatory and have conditions like multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease, but research to address falls among those who rely on wheelchairs ...
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a multifaceted disorder that impacts approximately 20–25% of the global population.
An international team of researchers from University of California San Diego and el Colegio de la Frontera Norte in Mexico ...