When you load an image to Instagram or Adobe Lightroom, a popular photo-editing app, the digital files shed the original ...
On Tuesday, with Joe Biden’s reëlection campaign in free fall, Vice-President Kamala Harris travelled to Nevada for what some ...
Two new graphic books by Charles Burns capture the pleasures and discomforts of human connection and self-expression.
Before getting up, I like to lie under the covers for thirty minutes meditating, which is really just a fancy word for ...
Joe Kahn, the newspaper’s executive editor, wants to incentivize his staff to take on difficult stories, even when they might ...
For the President to insist on remaining the Democratic candidate would be an act not only of self-delusion but of national endangerment.
The snap elections yielded a surprising defeat for France’s far right—and a new set of problems for Macron to contend with.
Vas-Tu Renoncer?” confronts the eternal drama of art and commerce, aesthetics and institutions, and the slings and arrows ...
President Macron’s gamble in fighting the far right has to be declared, if not a success, at least not an absolute failure.
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The Smithsonian’s dynamic leader is dredging up slave ships, fending off culture warriors in Congress, and building two new ...
It’s good to know pi to at least twenty decimal places, in case a math sergeant ever asks you to drop and give them twenty ...