The chief strategy officer (CSO) of a global pharmaceutical company recently quipped: “I am responsible for nothing and accountable for everything.” Although all C-suite executives have strategic responsibility for their respective domains, they typically focus most of …
The Chief Strategy Officer (“CSO”) role is often an important contributor to a company’s competitiveness and ability to spark long-term growth. However, the strategy officer’s role can be one of the most challenging to define and to succeed in. We understand these challenges and, through the Chief Strategy Officer Program, we can help
2024 Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) Survey - Deloitte United States
About Deloitte’s Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer Program The role of the CSO and the role of strategy as a corporate function continues to evolve, as CSOs are getting an increasingly important role in the C-suite and are expected to set the short- and long term direction for …
Embracing new approaches to strategy. 07. CSOs surveyed report new ways of leading strategy, consistent with the perspective in “Strategy Now,” and signaling their shift toward a more resilient, agile, inclusive, and bold approach to strategy execution. What comes next for CSOs. 10
The making of a successful chief strategy officer - Deloitte …
Chief Strategy Officers (CSOs) face a number of challenges distinct from those faced by other members of the C-Suite—in particular, the breadth and ambiguity of the CSO’s role. Our research finds six distinct roles, or ‘faces,’ most CSOs must present, at different times and in varying degrees, to be successful; optimizing this ...
Chief Strategy Officer Program | Deloitte US
The Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer Program. Deloitte’s Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer Program delivers experiences, insights, tools, and services to strategy as well as transformation leaders at the moments that matter. We also help connect leaders to a trusted community of peers along their executive journey.
Chief Strategy Officer Transition Lab. An immersive experience to help map the next six months of your journey. As the role of the Chief Strategy Officer and that of strategy as a corporate function continue to evolve, CSOs are gaining an increasingly important role in the C-Suite. Yet, the Chief Strategy Officer (“CSO”) role can
Chief Strategy Officer Transition Lab The Six Faces of the CSO As a Chief Strategy Officer, there will be endless demands on your time. Successful executives determine early on how to balance their time and energy across six critical roles. Given specific company and industry considerations, as well as your view of your team’s needs, we will ...
Skills for chief strategy officers | Deloitte Insights
Jul 31, 2024 · A systems thinker, he shapes new markets by understanding how consumers, market dynamics, and technology come together to create new opportunities. As the Program Leader for the Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer Program, he advises senior strategy executives on the skills and capabilities required to be effective in their roles.
Strategy Officers and Chief Transformation Officers, addressing the unique aspects of each role. The day is built around proprietary research Deloitte has done into executive agendas and extensive experience in delivering such sessions. It culminates in a Lab experience designed to: CONTENT AND TOOLS Global Annual Chief Strategy Officer Survey